Ilse Schooneknaep


Belgium (Flanders)

Ilse Schooneknaep started her own company Finders Keepers in 2017 after a career in academics. After a master in Communication Science (University of Brussels), a Master in Film Studies (University of Kent) and a Fulbright Scholarship for an internship in the US she started her research career. She wrote a Phd on the digitalization of film distribution and European audiovisual support mechanisms designed to boost distribution. This analysis will be published in a doctoral thesis in 2020. During her research years she worked as programmer for the Ostend Film Festival and as a consultant for several Flemish film companies (De Wereldvrede, Bullitproof Cupid, Potemkino, …). She currently puts her academic research into practice as freelance film producer for companies such as Brutteo (feature film TRIO), while still teaching film and authorship at the RITCS film school.