Koen van Sande

Writer / Director


After successfully finishing his studies as a film director at the H.R.I.T.S. in Brussels in 1998 with the award winning short WES, Koen Van Sande focussed on a postgraduate in screenwriting. When returning from a writing workshop at Columbia University, New York, he started working as a freelance director for Belgian television.
In 2005 Kanakna engaged him to direct and write fiction series such as “16+” and “De Vijfhoek”.
In 2013 Koen started focussing more on fiction and directs a few well received short films. In 2017, his fifth short film “Lockdown” gets funded by VAF and ran festivals in 2019. 2018 starts with a new prime time fiction series called “Phil Frisco”, produced by his own company Cartouche for VTM.
In September 2019, Koen gets funded for the script of his first feature film CLEAN.

Koen is writer and director.



Antwerp, drug capital of Europe. With a large-scale police raid in a squat, WIM (36), heroin addict, is arrested and handed over to the chief inspector, his ambitious and incorruptible brother KURT (42) who puts him in jail without blinking an eye. This gets the approval of the head commissioner who ensures Kurt a promotion. But on one condition: Kurt must keep his brother in check and definitely clean. Throughout the years Wim has changed from a happy, creative young man into a paranoid, street thug, much to the despair his dad who refuses him access to the family home. A measure to which both his mother as his younger sister object. How much does Kurt need to put in the balance to save his brother? Will he stick to his repressive authority or will he let humanity prevail? A dilemma that inevitably will result in a modern tragedy.